Tony Pagnotti, a Scranton Pennsylvania native and a broadcaster for over 30 years around the Baltimore area, dives deep into his journey of broadcasting and explains all the good and bad times that come along with it. Tony was a Broadcast Journalism major at Boston University.
Tony worked in multiple different areas in broadcasting, starting with working in radio stations before his career launch in 1976. Tony’s other areas of broadcasting included being a reporter, a weather-caster, and an anchor. He began his journey in Asheville, then to New York. He had all these different positions before he was hired at WMAR-TV Baltimore. Where he was a co-anchor of the morning news on the weekends on Fox 45.
Not only was Tony a popular news anchor, but he was also a senior lecturer at University of Maryland in the Communications department.
Tony is a beloved member of the Baltimore community not only due to his broadcasting career but also due to his charity work throughout his career that is discussed in his book. He has worked with John’s Hopkins Children’s Center, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Tony Pagnotti’s tell all memoir, My scripted and Unscripted Life: A memoir of a TV Newsman is now available for purchase on Apprentice House Press’s website, on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble.