In order to organize a book signing, a few steps must be taken. First and foremost, you must choose a bookstore that sells books like yours, and one that might be interested in having an event with a local author. For example, a feminist bookstore might not be a suitable location for a self-help book about building your own business. Once you decide on a bookstore, it is important to contact them with dates and times you have in mind for a signing. Perhaps try to think of a day, holiday or month that coincides with a theme in your book. For instance, April is National Poetry Month, so a poetry book signing would be perfect for a bookstore to have in April. In your pitch to the email, be sure to include information about the book, the unique student-run Apprentice House Press, and why you feel that bookstore is a good fit for a signing. In addition, be sure to include information about pricing, how the book will be supplied… and mention that you will do everything possible to bring people to the event and how you will do so.