The Remnants of Summer tells the story of how Iris Merchant and her family navigate their lives and grief one year after her brother drowned at a community beach. Set in southeastern Michigan in 1974, it shines a light on changing relationships through loss and coming-of-age experiences while referencing historical events.
Dawn Newton is the author of Winded: A Memoir in Four Stages, which details her journey with stage IV lung cancer. She was trained as a fiction writer and received scholarships to attend Michigan State University and Johns Hopkins University. Dawn has taught composition and creative writing at several colleges and in K-12 classrooms in Virginia and Michigan. Her essays, poems, and short stories have been published in various literary magazines. She has three grown children – Rachel, Connor, and Nathaniel – and lives with her husband, Tim Dalton, and their dog, Clover, in East Lansing, Michigan.
Newton is also the author of the memoir, Winded: A Memoir in Four Stages, published by Apprentice House in 2019. In the book, Newton shares her journey of living with stage IV lung cancer.
The Remnants of Summer is now available for purchase. You can purchase Newton’s newest release on Apprentice House Press website today, or other best seller book sites.